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Harvest Health & Recreation Inc.



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Why Vertically Aligned Cannabis Companies Will Outperform the Competition in 2019

FN Media Group Presents  Potstocknews.com Commentary


New York, NY – February 8,, 2019 – Industry experts agree that cannabis companies with the best chances of taking over the markets all have one thing in common – future winners in this industry already have their logistical networks laid out. MedMen Enterprises Inc. (CSE:MMEN) (OTC:MMNFF), Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (CSE:CURA) (OTC:CURLF), Green Thumb Industries Inc. (CSE:GTII) (OTCQX:GTBIF), iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc. (CSE:IAN) (OTC:ITHUF), and Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV) are examples of companies that have made their mark through building a strong national footprint.


Vertically integrated companies with established retail brands in place are best suited to capture the $80 billion US cannabis market. Companies that operate in all areas of the supply chain have more control over the quality of their product and are able to save on costs by not relying on third-party providers.


This flies in the face of what many companies are doing currently – focusing on growing their cultivation capacity while not paying equal attention to branding. John Kagia of analytics firm New Frontier Data said that “Brands which have been able to effectively identify specific consumer segments and tailor their branding and marketing strategies to reflect the priorities and preferences of those groups are best positioned to compete as the market matures.”


In a few years, these same cultivation-focused companies will end up brushed aside, relegated to positions as agricultural farmers rather than industry leaders. Instead, businesses that focus on establishing premier brands and retail experiences will be the ones that maintain long term growth going forward.


Having an Established History of Results


Many companies have plans on how to capture market share, but few can show results. Promises, estimates, and expectations for the future don’t carry as much weight with investors as proven track records do.


Even regulators prefer to award licenses to companies that already have results. One example of this is Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV), which is among the country’s top license holders with 56 spread across 12 states. They also retain 100 percent license control in Arizona, Arkansas, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts, something no other company can claim. All these states have large cannabis-friendly populations with few issued licenses, which make them the perfect market conditions for companies to expand in.


In an interview with the company’s CEO Steve White, he underscored how U.S. expansion remains a crucial strategy for cannabis companies seeking growth. With so much riding on the ability of these businesses to secure state licenses, firms with a history of success are usually the go-to recipients of these permits.


States like Arizona also are uniquely poised to explode in the coming year or two. Besides having the third largest medical cannabis patient population of 186,000, many expect Arizona to legalize recreational use in the near future. Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV), which has 90 percent of their revenue coming from the state, would see a $200 million surge in revenue should that happen.


In other states, Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE: HARV) also won one of only two prestigious Santa Monica dispensary licenses as the top-ranked applicant. They also received a medical license in Ohio, alongside winning every license they applied for in Pennsylvania.


For many companies, winning licenses is a crucial part of expanding that can make or break corporate strategies. The application process is competitive, and firms that can consistently acquire these licenses have a massive advantage in the marketplace.


Vertical Integration for Profitability


While future growth potential is still vital to investors, having a track record of success is equally as important. Many businesses have had plenty of funding to play with, often taking losses to expand aggressively. Although easy financing in the past has been abundant, the story is much different today as formerly eager investors no longer have the same reserves of capital to deploy.


Only a few companies have been expanding profitably without relying on excess funding. Harvest Health & Recreation’s (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV) 8-year history saw itself thriving without having the luxury of excess financing. With almost nothing in outside funding, the company built a vertically-integrated infrastructure stretching across the country that rivals most other competitors. Having recently raised $290 million in outside investment, many eagerly anticipate what they can now accomplish given how much they grew on a previously shoestring budget.


Without vertical integration, it’s much more difficult to guarantee stable prices and consistent quality when third-parties are involved in the growth, processing, or retailing of another company’s products. Instead, businesses can do much more to ensure their internal standards are met while selling their own products in their stores, as opposed to a competitor’s.


The Significance of Retail Presence and Branding


Companies with established retail presences have a significant advantage over their competition. New competitors would have to compete for leftover real estate locations not already gobbled up, not to mention the substantial investment required to build these storefronts.


Businesses that do have strong retail presences usually partner with other companies to stock up their storefronts. In these cases, profit margins become smaller as companies have less control over their retail performance.


Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV) breaks the mold in this regard. Focusing on areas with high traffic volumes and solid demographics, 60 percent of products sold in Harvest dispensaries are grown, processed, and branded within the company. Few companies come close to approaching those figures.


Further Cannabis Developments


Despite taking financial losses due to their aggressive expansion plan, Medmen Enterprises Inc. (CSE:MMEN) (OTCQX:MMNFF) reported impressive gains on their recent financial statement. The most notable announcement was a 40 percent quarter-over-quarter increase in revenues. They have also begun expanding into California and Nevada through local retail partnerships.


Another company with a strong retail presence is Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (CSE:CURA) (OTCPK:CURLF). They recently won a new Ohio processing license and also opened it’s 20th and 21st dispensaries in Florida this month. The company is also set to expand into Maryland with a new round of financing.


New executive hires for Green Thumb Industries Inc. (CSE:GTII) (OTCQX:GTBIF) include Matt Miller as General Counsel and Kate Denton for Senior Vice President of Marketing. The later brings brand building experience from PepsiCo and Kraft, while former Board member Pete Kadens stepped down to pursue philanthropic projects. The company also won one of the few New Jersey licenses last month.


New York-based iAnthus Capital Holdings, Inc. (CSE:IAN) (OTCQB:ITHUF) recently was named one of the 2019 OTCQX Best 50 companies. This announcement comes on the heels of a recent court ruling that approved a major merger for the company. The firm’s management has a long history in banking, finance, and law, which helps them operate cannabis assets across six states.


For a FREE research report on Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (OTC:HTHHF) (CSE:HARV), visit potstocknews.com


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The Article and content related to the profiled company represent the personal and subjective views of the Author (PSN), and are subject to change at any time without notice. The information provided in the Article and the content has been obtained from sources which the Author believes to be reliable. However, the Author (PSN) has not independently verified or otherwise investigated all such information. None of the Author, PSN, FNM, or any of their respective affiliates, guarantee the accuracy or completeness of any such information. This Article and content are not, and should not be regarded as investment advice or as a recommendation regarding any particular security or course of action; readers are strongly urged to speak with their own investment advisor and review all of the profiled issuer’s filings made with the Securities and Exchange Commission before making any investment decisions and should understand the risks associated with an investment in the profiled issuer’s securities, including, but not limited to, the complete loss of your investment. FNM was not compensated by any public company mentioned herein to disseminate this press release but was compensated forty six hundred dollars by PSN, a non-affiliated third party to distribute this commentary on behalf of Harvest Health & Recreation Inc.




This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended and such forward-looking statements are made pursuant to the safe harbor provisions of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. “Forward-looking statements” describe future expectations, plans, results, or strategies and are generally preceded by words such as “may”, “future”, “plan” or “planned”, “will” or “should”, “expected,” “anticipates”, “draft”, “eventually” or “projected”. You are cautioned that such statements are subject to a multitude of risks and uncertainties that could cause future circumstances, events, or results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements, including the risks that actual results may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements as a result of various factors, and other risks identified in a company’s annual report on Form 10-K or 10-KSB and other filings made by such company with the Securities and Exchange Commission. You should consider these factors in evaluating the forward-looking statements included herein, and not place undue reliance on such statements. The forward-looking statements in this release are made as of the date hereof and PSN and FNM undertake no obligation to update such statements.


Media Contact:

FN Media Group, LLC



This Year’s Super Bowl Should Be the Last Pot-Free Broadcast

FN Media Group Presents Potstocknews.com Market Commentary



New York NY – January 31, 2019 – As the last remaining available slots get snapped up for commercials during this year’s Super Bowl, broadcaster CBS turned away a potential suitor from the legal marijuana space. Despite the broadcaster’s refusal, there’s been enough progress in the legalization of cannabis for multi-state operators in the US to potentially try again and for years to come; a group that includes Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTC:HTHHF), Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (OTC:CURLF)(CSE:CURA), MedMen Enterprises Inc. (CSE:MMEN) (OTC:MMNFF), Acreage Holdings Inc. (CSE:ACRG) (OTC:ACRGF), and Green Thumb Industries (CSE:GTII) (OTC:GTBIF).


While the Super Bowl snub may have dissuaded companies from trying again this year, the sector is finding new and creative ways to market their wares through popular channels. Despite CBS turning down Acreage Holdings Inc. (CSE:ACRG) (OTC:ACRGF) for an advertising slot during the Feb. 3 game, future cannabis commercials seem quite likely. The proposed ad was to feature two subjects who’ve benefited from medical marijuana—a veteran with combat injuries and a child with seizures. It was a call to political action, rather than pitching the brand.


The march toward legalization took many large steps in 2018, including the first FDA approval of a cannabis drug in the US, and the federal legalization of hemp-derived cannabidiol (CBD) in the 2018 Farm Bill.


With the departure of anti-pot former Attorney General Jeff Sessions, more states willing to vote on legalization, and other factors, it appears that the federal legalization of the drug is close to inevitable.


As public opinion on the subject in favour of legalization continues to drift into a supermajority, Super Bowl broadcasters won’t always be able to say no to $5 million spots from cannabis companies. In the meantime, companies such as Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTCQX:HTHHF) are finding innovative ways to get their brand known while accumulating a multistate footprint higher than its competitors.


From Sea to Shining Sea


If the NFL playoffs’ ratings were any indication, this year’s viewing audience is likely going to be quite large. The AFC Championship Game alone drew a massive 53.9 million viewers, while the NFC Championship Game drew an equally respectable 44.1 million viewers. Since 2010, the Super Bowl has annually drawn far more than 100 million viewers. But with the gatekeeping of its ads currently shutting out cannabis companies, it’ll be up to these firms to get creative in how it gets the word out about their products.


As new states become legal, there has been a rise of the MSOs (multistate operators). Among the most prominent of this class of companies is Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTCQX:HTHHF). With an industry-leading footprint consisting of 60 licenses in 12 states, with planned expansion into additional states by 2020.


Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTCQX:HTHHF) retains 100% license ownership and control in Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts. The company also has ongoing operations in Arizona, Maryland, Florida, California, and Colorado, with plans to build in the major markets of Nevada (Las Vegas), and California (Los Angeles).


By the time Super Bowl broadcasters are open to allowing companies like Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTC:HTHHF) to advertise, they’ll have an even wider footprint across the USA. So far, the company’s strategy has been to prudently accumulate licenses, and win approvals through a carefully vetted pipeline of targets.


The company’s plan for expansion is to span across 14 states, with an array of 100 retail stores by 2020. So far, the company has applied for (and won) licenses in 10 states, and has a track record of 13 for 14 in obtaining rights in each category, including vertical, retail cultivation, and processing licenses. Currently, there are a total of 22 retail, 4 cultivation, and 6 processing licenses in the pipeline. As an early mover in the space, Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTCQX:HTHHF) actively sets an example for other MSOs to follow.


Additional MSOs On the Move


Coming off its failed bid to be featured during a Super Bowl commercial break, Acreage Holdings Inc. (CSE:ACRG) (OTC:ACRGF) is moving forward in its multistate approach. Acreage somewhat recently acquired Form Factory, Inc., a multi-state manufacturer and distributor of cannabis-based edibles and beverages, in an all-stock transaction valued at $160 million.


Making a strong push to become a national name with its chain of branded dispensaries, MedMen Enterprises Inc. (CSE:MMEN) (OTC:MMNFF) is primarily focused on the cannabis retail sector. The company’s strategy has delivered growth successes, with the latest financials from the company showing a 40% increase in revenue from Q1 to Q2. Those revenues rose to $29.9 million, while proforma revenue (which includes revenue from pending acquisitions) came to $49.5 million.


With licenses spanning 8 states, Green Thumb Industries (CSE:GTII) (OTC:GTBIF) is expanding, having recently entered the Florida market, through its RISE Deerfield Beach cannabis retail space. The Florida opening marked GTI’s 15th store in the US. Among multi-state operators in the US, GTI is projected to have a 2019 Revenue, with $184 million—behind Harvest Health’s projected $257 million.

With the addition of a newly won processing license in Ohio, Curaleaf Holdings, Inc. (OTC:CURLF) (CSE:CURA) caught up to Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTCQX:HTHHF) with a presence in 12 states. Curaleaf now currently operates 10 processing facilities across the country, and manages 42 dispensaries. With a market cap of $2.85 billion that’s closing in on $3 billion, Curaleaf is quickly becoming one of the largest multistate operators in the cannabis space.


For a FREE research report on Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE:HARV) (OTC:HTHHF), visit potstocknews.com


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FN Media Group, LLC




Source: Potstocknews.com

Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. Now Trading on OTCQX

Harvest Upgrades to OTCQX Best Market for Better Investor Visibility


PHOENIX–(BUSINESS WIRE)– Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. (CSE: HARV) (OTCQX: HTHHF), a vertically integrated public cannabis company with one of the largest footprints in the U.S., announced that is has qualified for, and is trading on, the OTCQX Best Market. Harvest Health & Recreation (Harvest) upgraded to the higher visibility OTCQX Best Market and is trading under the symbol “HTHHF.”


“Trading on the OTCQX Best Market is an important milestone for Harvest,” said Harvest CEO Steve White. “Trading on OTCQX provides us with better investor visibility and more opportunities for our global investors. We look forward to using the OTCQX to continue penetrating into competitive markets and connect with a more diverse network of potential investors.”


“Since day one of going public, one of our goals has been to move onto the OTCQX. Harvest is one of the fastest growing companies in one of the fastest growing industries in the world, and OTCQX will allow us to continue harnessing that momentum,” said Harvest Chairman Jason Vedadi. “Working up the investor ladder as a cannabis company is a monumental task, and we are excited to continue making strides towards becoming the biggest cannabis brand in the world.”


Harvest currently holds over 60 licenses across 12 states in the U.S., employs more than 525 employees, stands as one of the largest multi-state operators in the cannabis industry, and is one of the only consistently profitable cannabis companies in North America.


Harvest was sponsored for OTCQX by Anthony L.G., PLLC, a qualified third-party firm responsible for providing guidance on OTCQX requirements and recommending membership.


About Harvest Health & Recreation, Inc.:

Harvest Health & Recreation Inc. is one of the first consistently profitable, vertically integrated cannabis companies with one of the largest footprints in the U.S. Harvest’s complete vertical solution includes industry-leading cultivation, manufacturing, and retail facilities, construction, real estate, technology, operational, and brand building expertise — leveraging in-house legal, HR and marketing teams, along with proven experts in writing and winning state-based applications. The company has more than 525 employees with proven experience, expertise and knowledge of in-house best practices that are drawn upon whenever Harvest enters new markets. Harvest’s executive team is comprised of leaders in finance, compliance, real estate and operations. Since its founding in 2011, Harvest has grown its footprint every year and now has more than 60 licenses in 12 states, with planned expansion into additional states by 2020. Harvest shares timely updates and releases as part of its regular course of business with the media and the interested public. Harvest trades publicly on the Canadian Stock Exchange (CSE) under the ticker: “HARV” and on the OTCQX Best Market under the symbol “HTHHF.” For more information, visit: https://www.harvestinc.com/.


Forward-looking Statements

This press release contains statements which constitute “forward-looking information” within the meaning of applicable securities laws, including statements regarding the plans, intentions, beliefs and current expectations of Harvest with respect to future business activities. Forward-looking information is often identified by the words “may,” “would,” “could,” “should,” “will,” “intend,” “plan,” “anticipate,” “believe,” “estimate,” “expect” or similar expressions and include information regarding: (i) expectations regarding the size of the U.S. cannabis market, (ii) the ability of the Company to successfully achieve its business objectives, (iii) plans for expansion of Harvest, and (iv) expectations for other economic, business, and/or competitive factors.


Investors are cautioned that forward-looking information is not based on historical facts but instead reflects Harvest management’s expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Although Harvest believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking information are reasonable, such information involves risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed on such information, as unknown or unpredictable factors could have material adverse effects on future results, performance or achievements of the Company. Among the key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking information are the following: the potential impact of an announcement of a going public transaction on relationships, including with regulatory bodies, employees, suppliers, customers and competitors; changes in general economic, business and political conditions, including changes in the financial markets; and in particular in the ability of the Company to raise debt and equity capital in the amounts and at the costs that it expects; adverse changes in the public perception of cannabis; decreases in the prevailing prices for cannabis and cannabis products in the markets that the Company operates in; adverse changes in applicable laws; or adverse changes in the application or enforcement of current laws, including those related to taxation; the inability to locate and acquire suitable companies, properties and assets necessary to execute on the Company’s business plans; and increasing costs of compliance with extensive government regulation. This forward-looking information may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Harvest and market conditions.


Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking information prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although Harvest has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended. Harvest does not intend, and does not assume any obligation, to update this forward-looking information except as otherwise required by applicable law.


Leland Radovanovic
Powerplant Global Strategies


Source: Harvest Health & Recreation Inc.

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About Harvest Health & Recreation

[/vc_column_text][vc_column_text]CURATING GOOD TIMES


We presently hold medical cannabis licenses in nine states and participate in a variety of ways for each facility, from full ownership and operation to design-build expertise and operational consultation. Our aggressive expansion efforts include seeking licenses in other states and exploring opportunities abroad.




We hold medical cannabis licenses in nine states and have plans to continue expanding throughout the United States and abroad.





10 vertically integrated licenses
7 dispensaries open
2 cultivation & 1 processing site


1 cultivation and processing license
4 dispensary applications pending


4 dispensary licenses
1 dispensary open in Napa
6 dispensary applications


1 processing and manufacturing facility


3 vertically integrated pending medical applications
3 dispensary applications pending
1 cultivation application approved at the local level
2 processing applications pending


1 vertically integrated license definitive documents executed


1 cultivation license
1 processing license


1 cultivation facility operating
1 processing facility under construction
1 dispensary open


1 dispensary license


1 dispensary open
6 additional dispensary licenses to 18 dispensary applications pending


1 cultivation license
3 dispensary licenses
1 processing license pending

1 Harvest also holds <10% minority interests in 4 cultivation licenses, 3 processing licenses and 7 dispensary licenses.




However, we don’t just disseminate knowledge; we also create it. Our research team drives to learn more about medical cannabis through meticulous academic research.



Founded by Drs. Troutt and DiDonato, the Medical Marijuana Research Institute is our research division, and is dedicated to contributing to the academic literature on medical marijuana. The Institute’s first article was recently published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, and focuses on the characteristics and experiences of medical marijuana patients in Arizona. Conducting such research establishes Harvest as an industry leader in both business and academia.



Published in the Journal of Psychoactive Drugs, the Institute’s first article was the first study to examine medical cannabis patients living in Arizona. The findings showed that legalization has had many positive effects on patient outcomes, including increased feelings of safety, improved product knowledge, and greater product effectiveness



The second study, published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, examined the byproducts produced by vaporizing cannabis-oil cutting agents. The results showed that PEG 400 produced formaldehyde at levels comparable to cigarette smoke, whereas MCT and VG produced negligible levels of harmful byproducts.


SOURCE:  https://www.harvestinc.com/

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